Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I've been blogged.

Most of my days are full of teaching and writing. But last week I got a phone call from a PR person at my undergraduate alma mater saying they wanted to learn more about my research and recent book project. I always find it a bit strange to be on the other end of an interview, after starting my career as a nosey journalist asking people I didn't know many questions. The results of this conversation emerged in blog form.

Check out:

Coming soon to this blog... a tale of surprise and woe...cross-cultural adventures in churches in Texas!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Frontpage news

I am famous...or am I infamous. Anyways I made front page news on the student newspaper today after attending "Faculty Fish Camp", a shortened version of the orientation Freshman go through which introduces them to all they myths and ritual associated with A&M culture and the aggie spirit.

Check it out at:

If you look really close in the right hand corner of the picture you will even see me attempting to "hump it" during the "yell practice" (I know it sounds bad, but that's what they call it when you bend over and then cheer for the home team!)